The Central Committee is the management body of the SAQ Swiss Association for Quality. It is responsible for determining the medium-term strategy and goals. It convenes the General Assembly and is responsible for the execution of its decisions. It elects the members of all committees as well as the management.
Guido Graf
Co-President SAQ
Formerly Government Councillor and Head of the Department of Health and Social Affairs and President of the Government of the Canton of Lucerne
Ursula Grunder
Co-President SAQ
Felix Dettwiler
Member of Central Committee
Head of Careum Verlag, former longstanding head of Careum Education for Health Professions DNII
Our healthcare system has an excellent track record. The care of all sections of the population is ensured. If we want to maintain the high quality, reforms are essential. How can quality requirements be translated into binding specifications? I am committed to finding solutions for shaping the future world of health care, especially education in the health care system.
Monika Fässler
Peter Pedross
Member of Central Committee SAQ, president of the technical board Informatics SAQ
CEO und Gründer PEDCO, Managed Process Services
Quality, informatics and methodology such as Lean and Agile are matters close to my heart. It's great that we in the SAQ are able to exchange views on so many facets of these issues and that we can thus also take Switzerland a step forward as a high-quality location.
Prof. Dr. Lukas Scherer
Head of the Institute for Organisation and Leadership at the University of Applied Sciences East
Managing director and founder resnova gmbH and university lecturer
Managing director and founder resnova gmbH and university lecturer