Seghezzi Award Promotion of Quality and Sustainability

The winner is...

Dr. Julian Senoner

On the occasion of the Swiss Quality Day 2023, the Seghezzi Prize amounting to CHF 10,000 was awarded. We warmly congratulate the winner!

He wins the prize with his work «Artificial intelligence in manufacturing: Augmenting humans at work»

Previous award winners

Several Seghezzi Awards and Seghezzi Appreciation Awards have been presented in the last few years. Here are the winners and the titles of their respective works.

The Seghezzi Prize is presented by the SFAQ and bears the name of Prof. Dr. Hans Dieter Seghezzi in recognition of the merits he has acquired both in quality management theory and in its application in practice.

The prize is given to persons who deal in an innovative and practice-relevant way with questions and approaches that address the subject of "quality" with reference to relevant management topics in a discipline-specific or cross-disciplinary manner.

The contest is held every two years and is endowed with CHF 10,000.

Details on the call and the regulations can be found here.



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