FAQ Frequently asked questions

A compilation of the most frequently asked questions on the SAQ certification Client Advisor Bank.

Is my certificate still valid?

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The period of validity of your certificate is indicated on the document itself. In case you are no longer in possession of your certificate, our will gladly be of assistance. In order for the certificate to keep its validity, certificate holders must fulfill the requirements given in the examination regulations.

Can I request an extension of the deadline for submitting my recertification measures?

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Yes, you can submit a reasoned request via for a maximum extension of 3 months.

Can my invalid certificate be reactivated?

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If you no longer meet the certification requirements, the certificate held becomes immediately invalid (e.g. you leave an eligible role). The certificate can be reactivated at a later date. You will find all information on reactivation in the "Reactivation Guidelines" and the "Reactivation Application".

Can I switch to another certification program with my certificate (Passerelle)?

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A simplified change (passerelle) is possible with the following certification programs:

CWMA -> PC, IC, Affluent Passerelle possible without additional examination
Affluent -> PC, IC Passerelle possible without additional examination
IC -> PC Passerelle possible without additional examination
CCoB -> SME Passerelle possible without additional examination
PC -> IC Passerelle with written GAP-exam and oral exam possible
SME -> CCoB Passerelle with written GAP-exam and oral exam possible
Affluent -> CWMA Passerelle with written GAP-exam and oral exam possible

To do this, the application passerelle must be completed and submitted to SAQ. For more information see the certification program respective.

How can I order a duplicate or another format of my certificate?

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Duplicates or other formats of valid certificates can be ordered provided that the certificate holder still meets the requirements for certification. Send the request duplicate to .

My address, employer or personal details have changed since my last SAQ certification How can I report this?

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Please use our online form or, if you havea login, directly in the SAQ Self-Service-Portal.

Where can I take recertification measures?

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Apart from the courses provided by our partner-organizations there are a variety of other courses accepted for recertification. You can find an overview here.

Which diplomas are accepted as an equivalent for the first certification of an SAQ-certificate?

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No other qualifications (diplomas, certificates, etc.) will be credited / accepted.

How many attempts do I have at passing the SAQ-exams?

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Candidates are granted 3 attempts for each exam (regular or partial exam).

What happens if I have failed an examination three times?

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If a candidate has failed the written examination or partial examination three times, they can start the qualification procedure again at the earliest after a waiting period of twelve months. Partial examinations that have already been passed lose their validity.

If a candidate has failed the oral examination three times, he/she may only start the oral examination procedure again after a waiting period of twelve months at the earliest.

How is the 12-month waiting period applied?

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After 3 failed examinations, the candidate is barred for 12 months. The blocking period applies at segment level. The 6 certification programs are divided into 3 segments: Wealth Management (CWMA and Affluent), Corporate (CCOB and SME), Retail (PC and IC).

Example: If a CWMA exam is failed 3 times, these candidates are blocked for 12 months for CWMA and Affluent exams. They are immediately re-admitted to the other programs.

When can I submit the application for my recertification?

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The application for recertification can be submitted to SAQ 3 months before the certificate’s expiration date at the earliest. Click here for further information.

Do my passed exams keep their validity if I change employer?

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Passed SAQ-exams (partial exams or regular exams) have a validity of 3 years no matter the current employer. However, completed written partial exams cannot be transferred if the examination organization changes.

In case of maternity leave, am I granted a deadline extension for my recertification?

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Mothers are granted an extension of 6 months after the expiration of their certificate to attain all recertification measures needed.

I am an independent asset manager. Can I be SAQ-certified?

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Yes, if your role matches the CWMA profile defined by SAQ and if your employer is a member of a self-regulation organization or has an authorisation by FINMA.

Can excess training hours be credited towards the next-but-one recertification cycle?

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No. Only completed learning hours (training courses) that were completed during the term of the currently valid certificate will be taken into account for recertification.

How can I become an expert for SAQ exams?

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The expert pools are administered by our mandated exam providers. If you are interested, please contact the exam providers directly.



Certification programmes
Wealth Management Advisor CWMA PDF (283.0 kB)
Advisor Affluent Clients PDF (159.9 kB)
Advisor Individual Clients PDF (178.7 kB)
Advisor Private Clients PDF (179.0 kB)
Certified Corporate Banker CCoB PDF (204.9 kB)
Advisor SME Clients PDF (204.3 kB)
Examination regulations PDF (323.1 kB)
General role profiles PDF (83.5 kB)
Exams > Legal remedies
Guidelines legal remedies PDF (179.1 kB)
Application inspection oral exam DOCX (139.0 kB)
Application objection written exam DOCX (144.3 kB)
Application objection oral exam DOCX (152.2 kB)
Application redress DOCX (140.6 kB)
Application appeal DOCX (140.9 kB)
Leaflet Recertification PDF (179.9 kB)
Overview of providers of recertification measures PDF (204.2 kB)
Industry standard
Recommendation of the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) PDF (164.5 kB)
Factsheet: Client Advisor Bank PDF (145.4 kB)
Recognition of recertification measures
Application recognition of recertification measures DOCX (126.9 kB)
Guidelines for the recognition of recertification measures PDF (239.0 kB)
Submission of recertification measures RCM XLSX (31.1 kB)
Application reactivation DOCX (138.8 kB)
Confirmation employer DOCX (131.3 kB)
Request for additional services SAQ certificate DOCX (51.2 kB)
Application passerelle DOCX (137.2 kB)
Guidelines for reactivating an invalid certificate PDF (209.3 kB)

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