The personnel certificate “Certified PR and Communication Expert SAQ” shows the personal skills and knowledge required for a qualified participation in the field of public relations/communication. In addition, the recertification provides confirmation of further training and the necessary professional experience, so that certificate holders can meet the constantly increasing and changing demands on their professional profile. The learning topics form the basis of competence and are developed and continuously updated together with pr suisse.
The certification is intended for individuals with a main position/role in the field of public relations/communication who have already taken on the qualified tasks in this field.
All relevant information can be found in the certification programme.
Apply for SAQ certificate
Admission requirements
Details anzeigen/ausblendenPersons of full age and professional activity in Switzerland are eligible for the certification “Certified PR and Communication Expert SAQ”, if one of the following three options is fulfilled:
Option 1
- SAQ-recognised training qualification which is less than 5 years old at the time of application.
- At least 5 years of professional experience in a main role in the field of public relations/communication
Option 2
- SAQ-recognised training qualification, independent of the date of completion
- At least 10 years of professional experience in a main role in the field of public relations/communication
Option 3
- Professional member of the pr suisse professional register
A SAQ-recognised training qualification must:
- cover at least 75% of the list of learning topics.
- have examined technical and methodological skills in a final test / assignment.
Candidates must have a main role/position in the field of public relations/communication at the time of application for certification.
As a training qualification, SAQ recommends the higher specialist examination from pr suisse, which has established the standard of the certification programme.
Details anzeigen/ausblendenFor recertification, evidence must be provided before the date of expiration of the certificate. The evidence relates to the components “Work experience” and “Further training”.
Certificate holders shall prove to the certification body that they have kept their specialist knowledge and practical expertise in the relevant field during the validity of the certificate.
All further details are described in the certification programme.
The recertification measures recognised by SAQ are listed in the "Overview of recognised recertification measures". SAQ section events can be attended for the SAQ member price. When registering, "Certificate PRCE" must be noted in the remarks.
The recognition of new "Further training" courses can be requested in advance at SAQ by e-mail.
pr suisse
The Swiss Public Relations Association pr suisse is the national professional association of communications/PR professionals and has around 1,500 members. It is the only industry organisation that includes representatives of agencies, companies, organisations, educational institutions and administration and is the representative representative of the Swiss communications/PR industry. The main tasks include promoting the reputation of the profession, the acceptance of public relations, the recognition of the industry in the public and a qualitatively impeccable education and further training.
Certification programme | PDF (265.3 kB) |
Recognised training qualifications | PDF (106.0 kB) |
Certification application | DOCX (55.4 kB) |
Recognised recertification measures Certified PR & Communication Expert SAQ | PDF (258.4 kB) |