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SAQ – Swiss Association for Quality
Important an actual contents
SAQ as the new service provider for ECDL/ICDL
Starting January 1, 2025, SAQ will take over as the operational provider responsible for the administration and support of ECDL/ICDL certifications in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. This will be done in close collaboration with SI.
Die Tätigkeit eines Immobilienmaklers ist sehr vielseitig und anspruchsvoll. Der Verkaufsprozess zudem komplex und erfordert umfassendes Fachwissen. Erlangen Sie jetzt die notwendige Expertise.
Découvrez comment optimiser votre chaîne d'approvisionnement, réduire vos coûts et améliorer votre productivité.
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SAQ and Xelyo (event online in english)
Future Focus : The Impact of AI
Join us for exclusive quality talks celebrating 100 years with combined expertise from the SAQ (60 years) and the Belgian quality network: Xelyo (40 years).
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Section Geneva
La vraie innovation, source de croissance forte et durable.
L’innovation : effet de mode ou levier de croissance ? Découvrez son véritable impact sur l’entreprise avec Marc Delbreil et des cas concrets.
Personal certifications make theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge skills visible, transparent and internationally comparable. A SAQ certificate identifies the person as an expert in his or her professional activity.
The SAQ certificate identifies experienced communication experts in strategy, consulting and leadership, regardless of their educational and training background
Incrementare la sensibilità di manager e imprenditori per i temi della sostenibilità e della responsabilità rispetto ai processi di corporate governance.